certified medication technician (cmt)
What is the CMT Course?
A Certified Medication Technician Course is designed to train individuals to become skilled in administering medication to patients in a variety of healthcare settings. The course typically covers topics such as medication administration techniques, medication storage, documentation, and communication with other healthcare professionals. Participants will also learn about the different types of medication and their effects on the body, as well as how to identify and manage common medication side effects and adverse reactions. The goal of the course is to prepare individuals to work as CMTs, who are responsible for administering medications under the supervision of a licensed nurse in a long-term care facility, hospital, or other healthcare setting. Upon completion of the course and passing a certification exam, individuals will be eligible to become Certified Medication Technicians and begin a rewarding career in healthcare.
How long is the CMT course?
The course consists of at least 20 classroom hours of instruction under the direct supervision of an instructor. The class consists of instruction in these areas: basic review of body systems and medication effect on each system; medical terminology; infection control; and medication classifications. At Kadris we offer the CMT course as a three day class typically held on Mondays through Wednesday.
An individual must successfully compete a final written examination before being issued a certificate of completion and registered with the Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON)
What is the renewal process?
The medication technician:
- Will renew the certificate every two years following the date of the first renewal.
- Certification will expire on the 28th day of the individual’s birth month.
- An individual born in an even year will renew in an even year. An individual who was born in an odd year will renew in an odd year.
- The Board will mail the medication technician a renewal form for renewal of the certificate 60 to 90 days prior to the expiration date of the certificate. If the MT does not receive a renewal application it is the MT’s responsibility to contact the Board and request a renewal application.
- The medication technician must successfully complete a Board approved Clinical Update specific to his/her practice setting within 90 days prior to the medication technician certificate expiring. For example, if the individual CMT certificate expires September 28, 2007 the individual would need to complete a CMT Clinical Update sometime between June 28, 2007 and September 28, 2007.
- In addition, there is a thirty (30) day grace period beyond the date of expiration of the certificate to renew. Therefore, the individual has an additional 30 days following expiration of the certificate to obtain the Clinical Update.
- Effective October 1, 2007 the CMT must have 100 hours of practice as a CMT in the two (2) years immediately preceding the CMT renewal.
- The Registered Nurse approved to teach the medication technician training program must submit the MT’s Clinical Update verification electronically, (please see – Online License Renewal, MT Update at www.mbon.org).
- The individual must complete the renewal form, pay the fee and return the renewal form to the Board. The renewal form fee is $30.00.
- The Board will electronically match the Clinical Update verification and the medication technician renewal form. Please refer to the Board’s Online Verification System at www.mbon.org or the automated phone verification system at 410-585-1994.
- If one fails to obtain the Clinical Update before the expiration of the grace period the CMT will be required to repeat the 20 hour CMT Training program.
Training Courses
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